Betsy Singleton Snyder

About My Book
Part memoir, part gentle guidance, and self-care, Stepping on Cheerios is the first book by author and pastor, Betsy Singleton Snyder. The reader gets a close-up view of her life as a woman, wife of a congressman, a clergy person, confidante, and late-in-life mom of one child plus three more, an experience called giving birth to triplets.
Women of all ages (and guys who have been boys) can relate to this book through the author’s experiences of hardship, surprise, no privacy, laughter, trials, and spiritual reflection.
Planning a Book Study Group? Download your FREE Book Study Questions to take your group through each chapter and click below to get your copy of Stepping On Cheerios.

Womenade Stand Is For You!
I began Womenade Stand because I wanted to create a safe space for women to gather together, get real, and support one another when life gives you lemons. Over time, I’ve written about self-image, women’s issues, family life, and spiritual questions and doubts. That means I’ve talked about anything that might empower women (and their peeps) to stand up for one another, feel heard, and respected.
Why? Because we’re not there yet.
The Latest On The Blog

If you would like Betsy to speak to your group, or if you have thoughts you’d like to share or content you want to see, send her an email at betsy@womenadestand.com